Kava CDP and Auction Module Audit Result by B-Harvest

1 min readAug 12, 2020



B-Harvest audited Kava CDP and Auction module in May 2020, to contribute our experience and insights to strengthen the prominent lending platform in Cosmos ecosystem, Kava network

Our technical strength lies on Cosmos-SDK, financial products and oracles so we felt it is our duty to provide our ability to Kava so that the backend program does not have any critical security vulnerabilities.

The audit is composed of mainly two sections, technical review and scenario/financial review. The result of the audit is summarized below.

Audit Summary

  • Technical Audit

In security and technical review section, it was verified with a focus whether the implementation performs state transitions that are detailed in the specification. Furthermore, we audited safe error, panic processing according to the characteristics of the on-chain logic. And from golang point of view, we also verified general errors and performances of code.

  • Financial Scenario Audit

In financial/scenario review section, we analyzed different kinds of risks which are related to several environment factors such as unstable oracle feeds, high short-term market volatilities, economic design of debt auction at CDP insolvency, global parameter structures and stable token mechanism.

In addition, thanks to the recent Black Thursday event which caused severe functional failure of MakerDAO network, we could add additional risk analysis based on the event and its outcomes.

  • Full Report Link :

Please check out our final Kava CDP&Audit module report as below!


